
which is a good app design practice adwords answer

AdWords Mobile Advertising Certification Questions and Answers

  • Automatic bidding is ideal for advertisers who:

Want to set their own bids for individual keywords

Want to save time managing bids based on hundreds of signals

Don't want to spend a lot of time managing keywords

Want to set their own bids for individual ad groups

  • When you use a flexible bid strategy, it will automatically optimize your bids based on:

Your search terms data

Your remarketing list

Your Quality Score

Your performance KPI (Key Performance Indicator)

  • The codeless conversion tracking solution is usually recommended for app downloads on Android OS over SDK or server to server solution when speed and ease of implementation is a priority.



  • Which flexible bid strategy might help improve the chances that your ad gets to the top of the page?

Target return on ad spend (ROAS)

Target outranking share

Target search page location

Target cost-per-acquisition (CPA)

  • You can use a mobile specific display URL to:

Show consumers that you are a large brand

Differentiate yourself from other advertisers

Effectively track conversions to your desktop site

Indicate that you have a mobile-friendly landing page

  • _______ is a tool that can show you what happens after a customer clicks on your ads; whether they made a purchase, downloaded an app, or called your business.

Keyword planner


App extensions

Conversion tracking

  • 50% of purchase-related conversions happened within ______ of the mobile searches that initiated them.


two hours

one hour

  • Which of the following is NOT true about an app URL scheme?

The scheme is a part of the link that identifies which app to open
Schemes are automatically set up when you create your app

Typically the website name appears in reverse; e.g., becomes com.example as a scheme

You can use "http" or a custom scheme that can start with the app or website name

  • Which is a benefit of using server-to-server app conversion tracking over an SDK?

If not implemented correctly, adding the SDK and conversion tracking code could result in bugs in the app

Server-to-server connections are easier to set up than code-less conversion tracking

Adding SDK and conversion tracking changes to your app doesn't require review by the Google Play Store

Adding multiple SDKs for various advertising or analytics platforms have no impact on app code file-size

  • What is the most common way for advertisers to monetize their app?

Ad buys Driving traffic to their mobile website to complete purchase

In-app purchases

Charging for app downloads from the Apple iTunes or Google Play store

  • Where can app ads run?

Only on Admob

Only on the Google Play store

Within other apps, also known as in-app

Across Display, Search, and YouTube

  • Mobile presents an opportunity for a more targeted marketing message because you have an understanding of context such as time, location, and proximity of the customer.



  • App remarketing allows you to target people who:

Have used your app before

Have searched for your app

Have searched for apps similar to yours

Have never used your app before

With YouTube Mastheads you can get 100% share of voice, not just on the desktop YouTube site, but also across screens with:

The AdWords mobile site and YouTube app

The YouTube mobile site and the YouTube app

Video Search on Google The

YouTube mobile site and Google Play App

An advertiser with stores throughout the country could use Location Extension Targeting to:

Target users in the same way across all of their locations

Decrease bids by 50% for users who are within 10 miles of their stores

Target users who are within 20 miles of one particular city in the country

Target users who are within 10 miles of one particular city in the country

Viewable impressions:

Allow you to only pay for video ads that are viewed within an hour

Allow you to only pay for those ads that are actually viewed

Allow you to pay for ads that are viewed and also converted

Allow you to pay for ads when they are displayed in a viewable position

Which of the following is the main reason an app advertiser would want to use a 3rd party conversion tracking company?

To have a single SDK to add to your app instead of one from each ad network

To receive reporting on basic usage analytics

To have more control when communicating with each ad network

To see which of an app's new users came from recent advertising clicks or views

If you want to reach certain categories of apps with in-app display ads, or if you know the apps you want to target, you should:

Enable Active View reporting

Create a Display Network campaign targeted to mobile apps

Go to "Campaign Exclusions" from the Display Network tab

Create a placement inclusion for mobile apps

An advertiser would NOT use AdWords' mobile offering to:

Engage with users who have already downloaded their app

Track conversions once a user downloads their app

Build a mobile-optimized website

Advertise their app

A ______ specifies a location in an app that corresponds to the content you'd like to show.

location link

location extension

deep link

remarketing link

Assuming you are not using any bid adjustment and you value mobile traffic over desktop, which bid adjustment should you set?

Increase bid adjustment for mobile

Increase bid adjustment for tablets

Increase bid adjustment for desktop

Increase bid adjustment for mobile and desktop

Which of the following is true about apps?

Apps are more geared towards retention, loyalty, and engagement

Apps are more geared towards acquisition purposes

Once a user downloads an app, they are likely to return and engage with it

What time of day does mobile usage generally peak?

Evening hours when people are at home

During working hours

Morning and evening when people are commuting to work

Spread evenly throughout the day

How do upgraded URLs help advertisers with 3rd party conversion tracking?

Manage a single tracking URL at the campaign, ad group or ad level that is separate from the landing page URL

Show app install ads only to people who haven't downloaded the app yet

Show deep link URLs only to people who already have the app

Allow advertisers to direct users to the app store to download their app

According to a Nielsen study, what percentage of purchase-related conversions happened within an hour of the mobile searches that initiated them?





Deep-linking allows:

Desktop users to be able to access deeper, more targeted sections within a mobile app

Ads to direct customers into deeper, more targeted sections of the app

Ads to direct new customers only into deeper, more targeted sections of the app

Mobile and desktop users to navigate within a mobile app

With a business in an eligible country, advertisers can use website call conversions to track  calls to a Google Forwarding number on their site from users who arrived there from any source



Once an advertiser opts in to advertise with our search partners (the default setting) in their campaign network settings, they should use _______ to have their ads populate within Google Maps for Mobile.

product extensions

Location extensions

mobile extensions

store visit extensions

App Downloads are conversions that are tracked when a user downloads or installs a mobile application for the first time.



To understand the full value of mobile, you must take into account:

Cross device and mobile conversions

App downloads, calls, store visits, cross device conversion, mobile conversions

Utilization of mobile ad formats, extensions, app and mobile site design best practices

Mobile conversions

A(n) ____ gives your app users the ability to open your app directly from other apps by clicking a link.

app index

website deep link

custom deep link

Which of the following is incorrect about AdWords cross-device conversions?

Cross-device conversions help advertisers understand the device that received the last ad click before the conversion

Cross-device conversions do not track from desktop to mobile conversions, it only tracks mobile to desktop conversions

Cross-device conversions help advertisers track conversions that couldn't be tracked before in AdWords since they were attributed to another non-AdWords channel like organic search or direct

iOS app conversion tracking cannot be set up using:


Install confirmation feedback

Server-to-server (S2S)

Codeless conversion tracking

Which of the following is true about apps?

The number of app installs on Android tablets is increasing

Most smartphone users download apps on a weekly basis

The majority of Android apps have been downloaded

Once a customer downloads an app, they will be likely to return

An app developer might use remarketing if they wanted to promote a paid version of their game to all users of the free version who reached Level 10 of the game.



Admob is ____

an ad extension

a custom deep link an app promotion ad format

AdWords' non-owned and operated mobile app inventory

An app promotion ad format

Usage data allows advertisers to:

Create remarketing lists based on how frequently or infrequently a customer is using their app

Create a conversion tracking list and add it to their app

Change bid adjustments based on mobile traffic

Add the conversion tracking tag to their app

When conversion data shows that mobile drives more value, you would _____ your mobile bid. When conversion data shows that desktop drives more value, you would ______ your mobile bid.


lower raise,

raise lower,


_______ are a type of ad format that show extra information about your business.

App installs

Ad extensions

Deep link

ad extensions

Which of the following is NOT a type of mobile ad extension?

App extension

Call extension

Sitelink extension

Download extension

What is an app engagement ad?

A customized ad shown to users who already have the app in order to drive them back to the app

A templated "engagement" image ad which allows you to add more text or information to your ad

An ad which uses cookies to appear to users who have already downloaded an app

An app extension which shows a link to your app below your ad

Sitelink extensions:

Decrease CTR rates as users are sent to specific pages of your site

Allow advertisers to give users the option to land directly on specific pages of your site

Show your business address, phone number, and a map marker with your ad text

Allow targeted remarketing list users to land directly on specific pages of your site

When should an advertiser use an app extension instead of an app promotion ad?

With keywords intended to drive app download, but still give the option to visit the mobile website

With keywords intended to direct users to the mobile website, but still give the option to download the app

To re-engage with users who have already downloaded the app

To run your ad on both Search and Display

Many successful mobile sites have large "touch targets" for clicking that take into account ______

location where mobile is being used

time of day

responsive design based on touch

the lack of precision on a touch screen

In AdWords, you can create and manage video campaigns by using ___

"mobile app engagement" campaigns

"mobile app installs" campaigns

t he TrueView family of cost-per-view (CPV) video ad formats

"Masthead video" campaigns

The two types of conversions for YouTube on mobile are:

Promotion views and engagement views

Promotion views and view-through conversions

Conversions and view-through conversions

Download views and engagement conversions

iOS App Install confirmation is a feedback mechanism which enables customers to receive confirmation from Google every time an iOS app install event can be attributed to an AdWords ad click or view. Why would an advertiser use this solution?

The advertiser is interested in cross-device conversions.

This is the only availabe method of conversion tracking for iOS.

The advertiser wants to count calls as conversions.

The advertiser is using an in-house or third party app analytics system.

An advertiser with shops throughout the country could use the location extension targeting to:

Target users who are within 10 miles of one particular city in the country

Target users who are within 20 miles of one particular city in the country

Target users the same way across all of their locations

Decrease bid by 50% for users who are 10 miles of their stores

Auto exclusions allow:

Google's mobile app promotion template ads to be automatically excluded from showing to users who have already downloaded the advertisers app

Google's mobile app promotion template ads to automatically include showing to users who have already downloaded the advertisers app

Google advertisers to exclude high install pricing

Google advertisers to exclude automatic bidding within their mobile app

Which of the following is true about mobile optimized sites?

Mobile websites should only focus on task-based functionality, i.e. be a stripped-down version of the desktop site

Mobile-friendly experiences typically feature easy navigation, quick-to-load images, and streamlined text

Visitors to your mobile-optimized site will be at the same point in the purchase funnel as visitors to your desktop site

You should build your app before your mobile site

The App Overview report is a summary of the most salient data from all of the Mobile App Analytics reports. Use this report to:

Gain insight into your competitor's strategies

Review data about your users' names, addresses, and income brackets

Assess the general health of your app and to follow data trends

Review the code for your app and SDKs

The conversion optimizer for apps allows:

AdWords to automatically take into account dozens of signals (location, time of day, CTR, device, etc) and adjusts bids accordingly across search and display inventory to help advertisers hit their desired Cost Per Click goal

AdWords to automatically take into account dozens of signals (location, time of day, CTR, device, etc) and adjusts bids accordingly across search and display inventory with the goal of helping Advertisers hit their desired Cost Per Installs

AdWords to automatically take into account dozens of signals (location, time of day, CTR, device, etc) and adjusts bids accordingly across just search inventory to help advertisers hit their desired Cost Per Install goal

AdWords to automatically take into account dozens of signals (location, time of day, CTR, device, etc) and adjusts bids accordingly across search and display inventory to help advertisers hit their desired Cost Per Impression goal

A mobile app is an application that can be downloaded and installed on your mobile device or rendered within a browser.



Advertisers can use Website Call Conversions to track calls to a Google forwarding number on their site from users who arrived there from any source.



Setting up Mobile App Analytics requires:

The "Edit" permission for a Google Analytics account and technical knowledge of your app development environment

A substantial number of app installs or conversions

A working knowledge of mobile click attribution technologies

To track conversion in an app, you can add the AdWords Conversion Tracking SDK to your app. SDK stands for:

Schema Development Key

Software Deprecation Kit

Software Development Kit

Schema Development Kit

Call Conversions help advertisers understand the value that calls from their ads are driving by counting calls of a minimum duration to a Google forwarding number as conversions.



Showing your ads on top of the mobile page in search results is beneficial because:

Ads above the results get more prominent notice with desktop screens. There are also no ads on the right-hand side of the results on mobile

Ads below the results get more prominent notice with smaller mobile screens. There are also ads on the right-hand side of the results on mobile

Ads above the results get more prominent notice with larger mobile screens. There are also no ads on the right-hand side of the results on mobile

Ads above the results might get more prominent notice with smaller mobile screens. There are also no ads on the right-hand side of the results on mobile

Showrooming refers to:

The phenomenon which turns brick and mortar stores into showrooms for products which are then purchased online or via mobile

The phenomenon where various brands within similar categories compete for brand placement on a mobile device

The phenomenon where brands sell specialty or limited quantity goods through mobile

The phenomenon which turns brick and mortar stores into showroom apps for mobile users

The Mobile App Analytics Acquisition reports give you data about:

How your users spend time outside of your app

Which type of targeting has the lowest cost-per-acquisition

How much data your app has acquired

How often your mobile apps are installed and opened

What is a lightbox ad?

A cross-screen expandable ad format that optimizes for taps/swipes on mobile and mouse-overs/clicks on desktops

A remarketing specific ad format to announce new features of your app

A type of ad format that shows extra information ("extending" from your text ads) about your business

A mobile text ad Bottom of Form

What will you need before you can set up conversion tracking for calls from an ad or from a website (Assuming Google forwarding numbers are available in your country)?

A mobile specific site-link extension

An app published in the Google Play store

An active call extension or call-only ad

A sales team and operating phone bank

What is an app install ad?

An ad format for advertisers to re-engage with users who have already downloaded the app

An app extension which shows a link to your app below your ad

A templated way to create text, banner, image, and interstitial ads driving users to the Google Play store

A type of targeting used to match your ads to sites or pages based on the keywords or topics you've chosen

Third-party analytics companies can reduce complication for advertisers by providing them only one SDK to add to their apps.



With a business in an eligible country, call conversions help advertisers understand the value that calls from their ads are driving by counting calls of a minimum duration to a Google forwarding number as conversions.



To re-engage users with an app, use the following strategies:

Build remarketing lists, engage in reactive outreach, offer something free, and don't track anything outside of installs

Build remarketing lists, engage in reactive outreach, use deep linking, and track outside of installs for your most valuable users

Build general email lists, engage in reactive outreach, don't use deep linking, and don't track outside of installs

Build remarketing lists, engage in proactive outreach, offer something unique, use deep linking, and track everything beyond installs to understand your most valuable users

The path to conversion on mobile is not the same as on desktop or tablet due to ALL of the following EXCEPT:



Differing screen size


For someone who wants to run a display network campaign, which tool is the best suited for providing targeting ideas and estimates:

Display Keyword Planner

Display AD Builder

Display Planner

Display Ad Preview and Diagnosis

The mobile video Masthead is a homepage ad similar to the desktop video Masthead and will appear on the homepage of all of the YouTube mobile and tablet properties, including _____

the Android mobile app and

both the iOS and Android mobile apps

the Android native mobile app, the iOS app, and

reserve in-stream ads

To find the right mobile bid, you would calculate:

(mobile conversion rate / desktop conversion rate) x 100

(desktop conversion rate/ mobile conversion rate) – 1

(mobile conversion rate / desktop conversion rate) + 1

(mobile conversion rate / desktop conversion rate) – 1

If your campaign is running on the Display Network, your ads:

Are not eligible to show in mobile apps

Will only show on mobile apps that you select

Are automatically eligible to show in mobile apps

Are only eligible to show in specific mobile apps

Select the one way NOT to track app conversions.

Using an app analytics provider for your AdWords campaigns

Integrate the Google SDK in your app

Add a Javascript snippet to your website

Using Codeless Android Install tracking

The Mobile App Analytics Behavior reports give you data about:

The detailed ways users of your app interact with other users of your app

The detailed ways users interact with your app

How many people have downloaded your app through a referral from a friend

In-app user satisfaction ratings

which is a good app design practice adwords answer


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