
How To Modify The Ach File In Oracle Apps R12

Positive Pay File Setup in Oracle Apps

Paper checks are an easy target for criminals. Since they're passed hand-to-hand on their way to payment, they can easily be stolen, duplicated, altered, or cashed illegally. For this issue, Banks has setups a Positive Pay file system in their banks to stop these kinds of frauds.

Positive pay is a fraud prevention system offered by most commercial banks to protect against altered, forged, and counterfeit checks. It checks the accuracy of a check's account number, date, and dollar amount when the check is presented for payment. The concept is as easy as closing a door, and involves the following steps.

Bank customers send a check register file containing check numbers, dates, and amounts to their bank for checks the customer has written.

When a check is presented for payment, the bank compares the presented check against the customer's previously transmitted check information for that account.

Where there's a discrepancy between a presented check and check file information, the bank notifies their customer through an exceptions report and withholds payment until the customer tells the bank to accept or reject the check.

Oracle applications support Positive Pay File feature in the payment. We can create a Positive pay file once the payment batch will be formatted and send in to bank so that bank can verify the checks, when it submitted for the payments.

Here below I will show you step by step to do the setup of positive pay file in Oracle application.

Step1:- First We should have the Payment Process Profile.

Positive Pay file is uses for Printed Checks so that, Our Payment Process Profile should have Processing Type 'Printed'.

Step2:- Find the Existing Payment Process Profile under Setup è Payment Administrator è Payment Process Profiles.

Find the Existing Payment Process Profile and click on Update.

Under Reposting Tab of the Payment Process Profile , go to Positive Pay Section.

Click on the format Lov.

Find the Positive Pay File from the List of Value

Positive Pay File Setup in Oracle Apps

I am using the Standard Positive Pay file in the format.

Outbound Payment File Prefix is the file name of the Positive Pay File which will be created.

Outbound Payment File directory :- This is the Directory , in which Positive Pay file will be created once the Payment Batch will be complete in the Oracle Application.

Positive Pay File Setup in Oracle Apps

Positive Pay file format:-

Here we attach the Positive Pay File XML Template.In this I have used Standard XML Template named "Positive Pay File" Where I have attached the Custom RTF file.

Setup è Payment Administrator è Formats

Positive Pay File Setup in Oracle Apps

Find the Positive Pay File Format.Click on the Update to find the XML Template name of the Positive Pay File.

Positive Pay File Setup in Oracle Apps

This Is the XML Template , which will be create Positive Pay file output. So some time we need to do some changes in the Output of the Positive Pay file Template , so map these changes then , we can do by that way to find the XML template.

Positive Pay File Setup in Oracle Apps

Here we can find the Positive Pay File output template. We can download the template here and update the changes then automatically new changes will be applicable to the Positive Pay File output.

Positive Pay File Setup in Oracle Apps

Positive Pay File Setup in Oracle Apps

How To Modify The Ach File In Oracle Apps R12


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